Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the community: The display of Helpful votes has changed click to read more! Choose your authentication type, then enter your credentials. If youre new to GitHub, dont worry, its super easy to get started. Its excellent for automating tasks. I'm pretty new to SolarWinds IPAM. No web browser involved. Ultimately, I want to get IP Assignment History. To manage account resources, such as to create groups or register new senders, see Settings API. oh you're right, how silly of me. When creating an APIpoller, your first step is selecting one of the following methods for the request. Im using a REST client called, https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+I.CustomProperties._Location,I.CustomProperties.Address_1,I.CustomProperties.Address_City+FROM+Orion.Nodes+I+WHERE+I.Caption='DVARNUM_2960', Update a custom property field via the REST API, https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/swis://orion/Orion/Orion.Nodes/NodeID=7500/CustomProperties. So for example: curl -L -c ${COOKIE} -D "header_out.txt" -u USER -A "${BROWSER}" "${URL}", Location: /Orion/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fOrion%2fIPAM%2fsearch.aspx%3fq%3d10.5.21.15&q= Your SolarWinds products come with a secret weapon. If you've already registered, sign in. At a fundamental level, this is how we use APIs. To save time, copy the query URL below to the new tab and set the request type to POST: your user from the last exercise should already be there. Press F5 to query and you should see something like this: Weve narrowed our results down to this single node. The SolarWinds Pingdom API uses Bearer Token authorization so an API token must be included in each request, as shown in this example: GET /checks HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer ofOhK18Ca6w4S_2FEH5QnIbH0VZhRPO3tlvrjMIKQ36Vap API credentials cURL is preloaded on Mac OSX, but its also available on Windows here, or download Cygwin and load it there. If a token is reset or deleted, the API connection associated with the specific token is broken, and the associated script/process integration will need to be corrected. Alright, its the same information we were working with previously with a few exceptions: The request method has been changed from GET to POST. Over 150,000 usersget help, be heard, improve your product skills, Practical advice on managing IT infrastructure from up-and-coming industry voices and well-known tech leaders. This is because its easier to maintain, and more accessible for contributors. If you click down into the Python folder, for example, youll see that the repository has moved to another location. The POST query failed because you need a "Content-Type: application/json" request header. In Postman, go to Authorization. Each of theses pages were referencesthroughout this article. CURL API . Useful tools include json_pp and xmllint are common formatting utilities when working with raw curl output, while standard Unix tools like grep, sed, cut, etc will be indispensable. Use Ctrl+T or File > New Tab to get a new tab started. Further, you can connect to other Unix tools by using conventional STDIN/STDOUT interfaces. SolarWinds solutions are rooted in our deep connection to our user base in the THWACK online community. as it would have if you used your own credentials). Which brings me to my next point. SolarWinds recommends tokens should be associated only by administrators with full application access. These are custom properties that have been user-added to the system. In the next article, well be looking at SWQL Studio and the REST API. Here's a quick and dirty C# client that does queries. In order to make changes, Ill need to POST data rather than plainly GET data. Copyright Freshworks Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thats likely because its still a work-in-progress and managed by just a couple of very smart people (Tim Danner, Im looking at you). If you have a request, please feel free to shoot me an email at! No specifics, just give me the full list. Three Free Network Tools Every Admin Needs. Howdy, folks! You can get real clever and send advanced headers, attach scripts, and turn all the knobs with the click of button, rather than memorize commands and flags. Next well talk about how to make some minor changes to your SolarWinds environment including managing/unmanaging devices, adjusting custom properties, adding nodes, assigning templates, and whatever else comes up. #thingsyouwillneverhearmesay. This is very helpful when building your automation scripts. SolarWinds suggests planning a transition process to update your current API connections if necessary, moving to the token format. It includes the SolarWinds Query Language Studio (SWQL Studio) to browse the SolarWinds Information Service (SWIS) schema and run test queries. contribute to our product development process. Quickly detect and resolve network performance problemsby channelling your SolarWinds alerts to create enriched and aggregated alerts in Freshservice. Youre playing around with queries, and ready to see what this is like when interacting via the API. First, youll want the official Cisco APIC REST API Configuration Guide, as that is the authoritative API reference. I recommend you. Note: It is a prerequisite to have CURL command installed on your machine to successfully configure this integration. Also, you really should only be having these conversations inside your own network. This is the first post in a series Ill be writing about using the REST API to get information out of SolarWinds. We're here to help. Using token-based authentication enhances security to both your API scripts and the process integrations feature. A full-stack hybrid cloud Observability solution built to optimize performance, ensure availability, and reduce remediation time. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? Take some time to browse through the extensive list on the left, realizing just how much there is to choose from. By the end of the first article, you should have either installed the pre-compiled MSI, or downloaded/cloned the repo from GitHub. The operations supported by each API are identical: the six basic operations of Query, Invoke, Create, Read, Update, and Delete; and the data you can access through each API is the same. IT management products that are effective, accessible, and easy to use. Although our options are slightly more limited than the web interface, custom property values is something we can certainly change via the API. To use HTTPS when you have a self-signed certificate, maybe youll add the -k switch to bypass untrusted certificate warnings (useful for internal testing where a quick cert is all thats needed): curl -k And as always, wed love to know what other topics youd like us to write about in future ACI blogs. The example they give for a basic query follows: GET https://localhost:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+Uri+FROM+Orion.Pollers+ORDER+BY+PollerID+WITH+ROWS+1+TO+3+WITH+TOTALROWS HTTP/1.1, User-Agent: curl/7.20.0 (i386-pc-win32) libcurl/7.20.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3. Most of the SDK will function in Mac OSX and Linux, aside from the SWQL Studio and PowerShell scripts. These clients often provide easy-to-use interfaces, archiving, debugging, and pretty printed responses. If you look through SolarWinds Port Requirements document, youll notice that many of the modules utilize this port for communications with the Orion server(s). It's excellent for automating tasks. And look at that: we have our results! Made in the USA. Righteous. Unlike the GETmethod that requests data from an external API, the POSTmethod is used to send changes to an APIendpoint. Attend virtual classes on your product and a wide array of topics with live instructor sessions or watch on-demand videos to help you get the most out of your purchase. The method you use for an APIrequest depends on: Similar to how you need different rights to perform various tasks in most applications, you need rights to use different methods against an external API and get a successful response. Ah, were getting an HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized. One caveat is that if the IP matches extra data, such as in my case were also returned, that is in your data too. Resolution 1 If the agent is not displayed it is not finished with installation or has not completed the reprovision step. Fend physically protects your connected equipment from cyberattack and ransomware. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. { "Uri": "swis://tdanner-dev.swdev.local/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID=4" }. Pronounced Jay-sahn or Jason (pick your potato), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data object consisting of attribute-value pairs. Copyright 2023 Loop1 LLC | All Rights Reserved. The README is displayed on this page, telling you what is included as a part of this SDK. Come with questionsleave with actionable steps and practical insights. This uses the --ntlm option (assuming you are using Windows logins, and have NTLM enabled in IIS). Pay close attention to the SELECT and FROM commands; this is our SWQL lingo. Remember, you can also browse SWIS using the schema reference link in the wiki. Currently, you have read access to various Orion modules: Certain tasks are writable as well (permitting you to make changes), which well discuss in future articles. Similar to the cURL request, were going to query the SWIS API, but via the REST client. Now lets add the actual query. SolarWinds understand that the future is now, and now requires openness, empowerment and accessibility. To make things a bit easier, Im going to reduce my query down to just a few items in particular, lets say: NodeID, ObjectSubType, NodeDescription, Description, Vendor, MachineType. Similar to a DNS look-up, or more-similarly:a cURL or WGET request. $ curl -L -u USER solarwinds//search.aspx, Full disclosure: heres my actual script, BROWSER='Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)', curl -L -c ${COOKIE} -u USER -A "${BROWSER}" "${URL}" | \, and heres what happens when I run it: I get nothing relevant after stripping out the HTML. Click Update Request to submit. This is thefirst of several articles in a series were calling SolarWinds Orion API & SDK. The query is no longer on the first line in a query string but rather has been moved down into the body of the request. In my REST client, Im going to do a similar request, but instead ask for some more information. Allow time for responses. Next, well be querying our Orion poller with cURL and a REST client, showcasing the interaction with SolarWinds API. Our paid Customer Support plans provide assistance with Solarwinds product questions, troubleshooting, and product-related issues. Please email There are numerous articles dedicated to this topic on the web, but in short: an API is a set of tools for building and intercommunicating between software applications. worked fine after i corrected the misspelling. Our paid Customer Support plans provide assistance with Solarwinds product questions, troubleshooting, and product-related issues. The curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of our portfolio of products through virtual classrooms, eLearning videos, and professional certification. From installation and configuration to training and support, we've got you covered. HTTP Basic Authentication with a username and password. The simplest way to demonstrate the API functionality is to perform some cURL requests. -X POST -d '["N:2670","03-21-2019","01-01-2020","false"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json", -X POST -d '["N:2670"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json". The Address_2 field is now populated with our suite number Suite API. (1) next to it. The example below displays how to insert your Token for authentication in APIScripting: -H 'Accept: application/vnd.samanage.v1.1+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. For information on where to add the token in the CURL command, see SolarWinds Service Desk API. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain. I'm just trying to do straight HTTPRequest using a client for Chrome: The Content-Type should be "application/json", and the payload should be this: { "query": "SELECT Caption FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE NodeID=1" }. The difference is that the REST/JSON API avoids the complexities of XML and SOAP, though it gives up the ability to have a client wrapper generated from WSDL. Prometheus to scrape that metric endpoint every 1-5 minutes. First, let's store the content in a content.txt file: $ echo "simple_body" > content.txt. Rectangled at the top, I send a GET request, which is my RESTful API call. Since our data exchanges are JSON-formatted, my post statement should look like this: Go to the Body tab, select raw, and then choose JSON as the data format. These clients often provide easy-to-use interfaces, archiving, debugging, and pretty printed responses. No, Right-size your service management quickly and effectively. SolarWinds suggests planning a transition process to update your current API connections if necessary, moving to the token format. There is no impact on current username/password API authentication. Review: SolarWinds VOIP and Network Quality Manager 4.0, Review: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 3, FREE 8-day Educational Course for Network Admins, FREE IDG Survey Brief: Network Management Costs Overshoot User Needs, FREE Whitepaper: Is it Really the Bandwidth 3 Steps To Diagnose Bandwidth Complaints, 7 Essentials for Stronger Network Security, Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory. by DAVID VARNUM, CCIE, VCP, MCSE+ - Last Updated: August 31, 2022. It looks like something got garbled in the second URL. You should see a window like this: Simply enter the hostname of your main Orion poller, and your login credentials. I'm not sure how well your sed command will work on the results because the actual data is inside a javascript array object at the bottom of the page, which then self-injects itself into the table, but I'm sure once you have the data you can play around with it. Calling the API from outside the appliance. Know Whats Nextwith Loop1Loop1 is a leading global IT Operations Management (ITOM) company specializing in the SolarWinds ITOM product offering and other complementary solutions. Articles, code, and a community of database experts. If the request is successful, data is returned in a response payload. Join the brightest SolarWinds minds and IT industry influencers, as they cut through the jargon and give you the tools you need to grow and keep your tech knowledge razor-sharp. The trailing hypen tells the xmllint program to read from input rather than a file. It should look like this when youre done: Ive written it all on one line, but you could certainly space it out so its a little easier to read. Reprovision the agent with this command: swiagentd init The result? Review: SolarWinds VOIP and Network Quality Manager 4.0, Review: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 3, FREE 8-day Educational Course for Network Admins, FREE IDG Survey Brief: Network Management Costs Overshoot User Needs, FREE Whitepaper: Is it Really the Bandwidth 3 Steps To Diagnose Bandwidth Complaints, 7 Essentials for Stronger Network Security, Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory. I see that you already have your answer, but my recommendation is to use structured approach like this below - it would help to save time : Im using a REST client called Postman. It looks like something got garbled in the second URL. Forum; Scalability Engines (HA, APE, AWS) Enterprise Operations Console (EOC) Orion SDK; Alert Lab; Report Lab; Network Management. Chris Beach, anotherQuora commentator, explains the difference between interacting with a web-based application without an API versus with an API. You have something that looks like the following when youre done. Over 150,000 usersget help, be heard, improve your product skills, Practical advice on managing IT infrastructure from up-and-coming industry voices and well-known tech leaders. If I pull up the familiar SolarWinds Orion web interface and look at the properties of this node, Ill see, as expected, the changes reflected here as well. Network Performance Monitor (NPM) NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) Network Configuration Manager (NCM) IP Address Manager (IPAM) User . Choose what best fits your environment and organization, and let us help you get the most out of your purchase. Thats it for this one. Paste the string above in, and click Send. In this example Ill be doing a simple query. So there are 3 solutions to this. Next well want to add authentication. And thanks Kevin for reviving it. Samples. : . Copyright 2023 Network Management Software, {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, SolarWinds Software Development Kit (SDK), SolarWinds Orion Windows pre-compiled installer, SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) Reference. An authentication POST request will require a username/password, expressed using the aaaUser object. After Ive got my query narrowed down, Ill press F5 (or go to Query>Execute) and retrieve the results in the bottom box. The SolarWinds Orion API is vulnerable to an authentication bypass that could allow a remote attacker to execute API commands. In SolarWinds NPM, click on Settings >All Settings > Alerts and Reports > Manage Alerts; In Alert Manager click on "Add New . You do not want to inadvertently delete your Orion database, or destroy one of your Orion pollers. This performs a simple GET request on the server, retrieving the data and printing it out on the screen. The operations supported by each API are identical: the six basic operations of Query, Invoke, Create, Read, Update, and Delete; and the data you can access through each API is the same. In other words, they themselves are using the API. If youre using AD/LDAP, enter the domain name first just like you would when logging into the web portion of SolarWinds Orion NPM (e.g. If youre using a self-signed certificate, or you have some other SSL certificate-related issues, you can disable validation. Thats the base64-encoded version of your username:password pair. youll see a little red checkbox if it isnt) its fair game: "query":"SELECT Caption, IPAddress FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Vendor = @vendor". See helpful resources, answers to frequently asked questions, available assistance options, and product-specific details to make your upgrade go quickly and smoothly. If youre competent with Python, you might even be using the Cobra SDK or ACI Toolkit to develop anything from simple scripts to integration with other infrastructure components. In short, this means you must rely on community-driven support rather than paid contractual support. We also looked at some general concepts regrading APIs, REST and JSON. As long as your query is accurate, you should receive the results back as JSON data. curl HTTP(S) APIcURL URL Postman GUI Grafana to grab the data from Prometheus and . Instead of putting, Cisco in there, well change that out for a placeholder called. Send button and you should see the same results as last time, only with our new and improved parameterized query. As a simple example, the data you might get back from SolarWinds in JSON would look something like this: We can then take this beautiful data, parse it, manipulate it and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks with it. Lets unpack that a bit. How about manually updating node properties? No one can generate tokens for others, or reference other users' tokens. My suite number is API. Access to the SWIS API requires you attach to the Orion poller over HTTPS using port 17778. For this article we will be covering some basic usage of the SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) Studio. Tokens can only be viewed by the user (administrator) who created the token. The second is establishing a browser session, and copying the cookie data from that, and saving it to a file, and using it as such: curl -L -b "cookie.txt" -u USER -A "${BROWSER}" "${URL}". Gain insight into the health, performance, and scalability of your SolarWinds Orion platform with our free health assessment; youll receive a report with our findings and a recommended action plan for improvements and enhancements. Populate it with the URL, using your IP address, of course), and then choose, Basic Auth from the drop down that currently is currently set to, Fill in the dialog with the authentication details for your new SolarWinds user. After that, well show you where you can get the SDK and start your SolarWinds DevOps journey. (function(){var de=$(document.documentElement); de.addClass('sw-is-locale-en'); $.each(jQuery.browser,function(k,v){if(v===true){ de.addClass('sw-is-'+k); de.addClass('sw-is-'+k+'-'+parseInt(jQuery.browser.version)); }}); })(); The problem you have is that your cURL call doesn't have a valid session. Something to note: you must use CRUD operations to create, read, update, or delete entities. From installation and configuration to training and support, we've got you covered. Say we simply want to get a list of our monitored nodes. If the user who generated the token is disabled, the token is also disabled. Simply send this instruction as an HTTP GET via the REST API. Active Directory Tools Heres the Best Software for Enterprise AD Management! Although this says Wiki its regretfully not quite as informative as a wiki should be. More blogs regarding ACI are yet to come right here on the ACI Board on Cisco Community. Active Directory Tools Heres the Best Software for Enterprise AD Management! I stumbled upon an especially helpful article which also includes and downloadable XLS file with examples here. Although it originally stood for Semantic Web Query Language, I believe most refer to it as SolarWinds Query Language. You should see a window like this: You can dive deep into SWQL. Payload: query=SELECT+Caption+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID%3D1, What URL are you POSTing to? If youre not familiar with curl, its an excellent utility for interacting with HTTP servers, especially for performing CRUD operations against an API. More importantly, what were covering will be a primer, a kickstart, a guided launch, aimed to supplement and possibly enhance your SolarWinds skill-sets. We help our clients to Know Whats Next through our unique ITOM methodology L1M3 (Loop1 Monitoring Maturity Model LIME), which delivers a simplified roadmap and scorecard to enable organizations to plan, deploy and measure their digital transformation projects, and improve the value of their overall IT operations. Hello . This should work as the session is already established, assuming you do not allow the sessions to expire for this user. Our SmartStart programs help you install and configure or upgrade your product. The XML version looks like this: Substitute your username, password, and IP address/hostname as needed. The result? To do so, choose your option to clone in the GitHub Desktop client, or download as a ZIP file. Rectangled at the bottom, you can see the response in JSON that SolarWinds sends back. Great question! Once downloaded, youll see the same folder structure locally on your machine as you do in GitHub repo. SolarWinds does not offer a support contract option. There are two parts to the body: the query itself, and the parameters that will be used to replace any @parameter entries in the query string. Starting with NPM 10.4, SWIS now supports a REST/JSON API in addition to the existing SOAP API. This is why SWQL Studio was created, to make query building much easier. Users can ONLY create and view tokens associated to themselves. ='Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)'. contribute to our product development process. Dont call SolarWinds TAC and ask why your Python script is throwing a key error; they wont be able to help you. They cover integration approaches for PowerShell, Linux, JSON and more. node management rights. Its a community after all, and they do welcome recommendations, changes and bug fixes. The SolarWinds Orion API is vulnerable to an authentication bypass that could allow a remote attacker to execute API commands. Nearly all vendors are offering, or starting to offer, APIs and SDKs to accomplish this goal, placingthe control in the hands of the user. As long as its valid JSON. Your SolarWinds products come with a secret weapon. Be careful when playing with this. Find the latest release notes, system requirements, and links to upgrade your product. cURL is a command-line tool for transferring data to or from a server. You must be a registered user to add a comment. You just bought your first product. It is essentially a way to store information in an organized, easy-to-access manner. If you plan to contribute code or wish to be closer with the community, considering using command-line Git, or GitHub Desktop and cloning this repository to your local machine. Much like open source projects, SolarWinds is taking a similar approach, relying on community support and expertise. 1 - Email and ask for API access. These requests typically include additional data in the message body, as opposed to GETrequest that may include all necessary details in the request URL. First thing to do is start up your REST client. @vendor that well be able to provide different values for with each request. As an administrator, it is imperative that you maintain the highest level of security within your organization while simultaneously allowing the most efficient process integration to be enabled. Click. In return, Orion would respond with this information in a JSON format, easily digestible, and human readable. While I enjoying doing curls haxor-style on the command-line, its often more valuable to use a robust REST client. The most common method for API requests, GET, retrieves data from a specific endpoint within an API. We sent a request to the Orion SWIS REST API and received a response in JSON. Did you find it helpful? SolarWinds Onboarding programs are designed to help walk you through product installations, upgrades, and more to deliver immediate value on your product experience. No other tool gives us that kind of value and insight. Dedicated headers are required for pages that require logins. You will receive documentation and an ID and Key. In this series, we'll explore using curl on the command line and in simple shell scripts for quick, repeatable operations. Find out more about how to get the most out of your purchase. OAP services also include assistance with your digital code-signing certificate update. New here? or the value in the WHERE clause either, for that matter) but Ive typed it this way for maximum clarity. from Postdot Technologies, Inc. that you can download right on their main page for the OS of your choosing. Can you please tell us how we can improve this article? All API calls use the same authentication and request/response format. Finally, parsing the XML output can be an adventure in formatting. In SWQL it would look like this: Looks like the command was accepted, but I didnt get any response. If youre looking for really advanced queries and a wealth community-driven examples, take a trip over to, Remember, you can also browse SWIS using the, If you look through SolarWinds Port Requirements. This program connects you with professional consulting resources who are experienced with the Orion Platform and its products. In Part 1of this article series we discussed basics of the SolarWinds Orion API & SDK, why you would use it, and how to get it. Youve probably used curl to download a file from a webpage, like this: curl In this case, well be sending an HTTPS request to the SWIS API, and receiving JSON data in response. My query looks like this: Notice above that the Address_2 field is empty. Howdy, folks! []Postmates API using php/curl - returns unauthorized / Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials provided Olly 2021-07-18 20:41:16 72 0 php/ api/ curl/ postmates. to plain text. This will require us to step it up from a GET request to a POST so we have more wiggle room. For example: How we can certainly change via the API, code, and links to your., or delete entities request to the cURL command installed on your machine to successfully configure this integration the online... Must be a registered user to add the token in the GitHub Desktop client, Im going to query you... Parsing the XML version looks like something got garbled in the THWACK online community my query looks like this Weve. 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