Moving on with Asteroids, there are the Erotic Asteroids. Pluto is of course the dominating and controlling god of Hades who wanted to run the world. Psyche describes the tests and trials you are put through in order to make a will which outlasts you (obviously) and with important consequences. Do,I look under Venus or Cupid? Hi Jessica..My Venus is 21 Cancer..Mars 4 Cancer..Cupido 19 Pisces..Vulcano 3 Leo and Phyche 11 Taurus..i never married because I fell in love with a guy when we were teenagers..still in love with him and we met 2 mts ago after 27 years ..he never married either..we have decided we want to be together,our families would disapprove and thats the reason we didnt stay together when we were young.looking at his chart he has Vulcano 11 Taurus with my Phyche.. his Phyche is 26 libra with my jupiter..and his Jupiter is with my Asc 3 Sagittarius..his Venus is 22 Libra,..mars 16 Aquarius and Cupido 0 virgo..hes a Libra.. and his moon is 2 Taurus.. can we stand up to people this time or do we walk away,again..thank you. Asteroid Veritas is named after the Roman goddess of truth. For example, our Mars sign represents our drive, ambition and passion, and it's considered masculine. INDUSTRIA: Facilitates identification of career and work interests, abilities, and matters. Feedback is feed back so I am instantly wondering if this is related to your spine. CUPIDO-A: Vanity; concern about appearances (inc. the idea of keeping up appearances and doing things for the sake of appearances;) art and beauty interests; relationship concerns; attraction; the face or complexion; the look of something. Mars is the bloody battler. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. For those who know astrology, this is because Mercury (the trickster god who is like Loki who can cause the trouble) is now at that same degree (7 Gemini) on this Summer Solstice. Venus in your chart shows where you fall into duets, double- acts and partnerships of all kinds. Astrologer at Large Daykeeper writer and astrologer Linea van Horn's deep and observant reflections on all things astrological. DEMETER: Mother-Child or care-taking relationships and efforts; growing things; food, diet, nutrition & meals. 124 thoughts on " The Asteroids I Use " foglia May 12, 2012 at 6:19 am. She never saw herself as an independent individual she was always tied to someone else and he was always male. Vulcan comes in to not necessarily make them tougher or to annihilate their nurturing ways but to break habits and to release them of attachments. ), HOUSE: A useful point when place is important in predictive work; also refers to the residence and to what is experienced at home.. Today (5/15/18): White House Leak Crackdown: Men in Suits Reportedly Hunting Down Banned Cell Phones Using Large Devices: Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. PHOTOGRAPHICA: While useful for showing the importance of photography and visual images, Photographica also relates to the brains ability to retain and interpret visual imagery. It's name comes from the Roman version of the Greek God of Medicine, Asclepius. Its great that you are working with your square. Asteroid Veritas in Astrology. Mars 5 Virgo, Vulcanus 25 Pisces and Psyche 9 Aquarius (r). And thanks again for such great work! It grows over time. He is also a brilliant lyricist! Since I wrote to you, I had a very important business meeting scheduled (with a Scorpio) for exactly the new moon in June, happening at 23 Gemini, where my Psyche is at. Venus was married but slept with another man., KLOTHO: Conditions (fate and expectations) at the beginning; initial understanding, what is apparent at the start, origins/beginnings in general. Hi Jessica I have Cupido in Cancer at 00 degrees. Wilde had Venus at 7 Libra and Douglas had Cupido at 7 Leo. ANUBIS: Wolves; coyotes; coy dogs; feral dogs; dingoes; black faced or black dogs; death. Hi Jessica, Thanks a lot. Thanks for any insight & best wishes. Your body runs your soul/spirit/unconscious and vice-versa. I just had the Uranian shock/twist in my life. His Venus and Mars are in Virgo, Vulcan and cupido in Leo, and psyche in Scorpio. These smaller objects, largely known as asteroids in Astrology, have an undeniably juicy impact in Astrological interpretation. PROSERPINA: Separation anxiety; leaving; going away; what you believe will happen if mother's not there to take care of you; the conditions you attract as you approach a transition or separation. To me words are pearls to be loved and polished so they precisely say what I intend in a loving way (especially when I feel aggrieved!). PHAETHON: Instances that involve cars, transport, driving; other forms of recklessnessfeeling out of controlas though youve taken on more than you can handle; having trouble keeping to the middle of the road! They are both in your Seventh House of partnership. CUPIDO: Issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics; comments on the home, residence or household themes; decor; artistry; sense for art; partner or family members. I am sure you can see that when you set about worldwide web or social media pursuits its never going to be a walk in the park. Working with fire or fiery emotion is typical of this asteroid. Thank you for this. Does it show the personality and life of, say, well-known people with verified birth times? Your Psyche at 15 Scorpio aspects a great deal of your birth chart so 14, 15, 16 degrees is a hotspot for you. LoveAsteroids = Additional information & flavor Degree Theory = Simple and fast interpretation Medical degrees = The meaning of the 360 degrees Anaretic degrees = Critical points, 29 degree Degrees of death = Points that may indicate the cause Love degrees = degrees that amplify love and union Event : Event chart = Birth of an event About 50 years later she was reclassified to asteroid. XO. Hes the sturdy blacksmith. There would be more to your charts than just this, but remember Venus is the planet of complicated relationships. This pattern in your astrological chart is about making a last will and testament, more than once. So figuring out the politics with people is as much a part of the end product, as the actual message. I now understand why I never hit back (especially verbally) at people. These are interesting questions. That's why a square between a vulcano-asteroid and Mars would be more significant than a sextile to Neptune. Jupiter will cross your Sagittarius stellium, and with that line-up, if you are single, expect serious temptation. Vulcano belongs to a group of asteroids known as the Hungaria group. APOLLON: Multiple interests and developments; many irons in the fire; more than one; combining; career opportunities; travel or study associates; long distance/cosmopolitan connections; divided interests; business situations; science. Having Venus in Libra, Ceres in Libra and then Cupido and Bacchus in Scorpio and then Vulcano, Psyche and Proserpina in Leo would be an explanation for why I have such terrible luck in love? It has been this way since 1781 when the Herschels found Uranus and he was slowly added to horoscopes. This can give you a clue as to what might have cracked and caused a death of sorts. Ceres is considered one of the four major asteroids (along with Juno, Vesta, and Pallas) in astrology. I m glad you had a chance to do that. Essentially Cupido is a symbol of how you inspire tremendous love and serious like in your life. . So if your contact/connection is in tune with you, together you will create something that outlasts both of you. Perhaps the most baffling aspect of asteroid astrology is the retroactive effect of asteroid (or minor planet) names. This will really help you sort things out with the ex who matters the most to you (I assume you are single) but also pursue a partnership of equals. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. [See also Demeter], CHILD: Aspect pattern relates to ones own experience as a child and to attitudes toward and events with children; childish reactions (ranging from innocence to immaturity.). It goes in bursts. Diana 16 Libra opposite Vesta at almost 16 Aries is the thing to look at. He became a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, shock and new invention. She was nothing without her son, her husband and her lover. Imagine having more precise astrological points in a chart; imagine having very definite placements to refer to events both past and future! Asteroid Icarus. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. Chart conditions (such as interceptions, retrograde status, the full aspect pattern or complex aspects) can alter or challenge the base essence of a factor; refer to the texts until you develop the experience to feel confident of your delineations. This is a very potent position leading to the right use of will as the First Ray energies of sign and planet unite. HERA: Issues of rights between people; relationship dynamic and parental model; jealousy; maintaining fairness in dealing with others; events through partners & partnership. We then apply that to charts. HADES: Disgust/distaste; debilitation or deterioration; interest in the past (inc. past lives)thus history and primitive origins; handling highly detailed work, chores or drudgery; messy situations; depressing emotions; research; investigation into the root cause of problems; bowels; vermin or toxins. The Iris Asteroids Report explores twelve asteroid or dwarf planet positions in the birth chart. When in the transitional state, this position of Vulcan often indicates a person with a very strong but highly self-righteous mind. Look it up on Google. Figuring out family dynamics is well worth your time and effort as these transfer to work situations sometimes, or with partners. Some are the Richard Bransons of this world. Riots. Ate (111): Having this asteroid tightly conjunct an angle or planet could indicate an assertiveness bordering on intolerance, or responding too heavy-handed to a real or imagined threat.Ate is the goddess of mischief and ruin in Greek mythology, and was said to be the curse behind the sparking of the Trojan War. It is believed Quaoar astrology also has an impact on the spiritual needs of a person. I am sure you know Capricorn is the mountain goat who climbs slowly to the top, in terms of success, status, achievement and being top. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). And subsequent relationships haha. I was particularly interested in Sybil Leek's indicators. Hi dear Jessica, is very interesting when I found my Mars 2 degree of my 12 house and also Vulcano 3 degree in the same sign now I know why when I became angry of someone, is difficult to decide how I have to react My Ceres is in Taurus as well- I dont feel particularly attuned to Taurus- I dont own a house, or have pots of money, I do feel like it comes and goes like the seasons you described in Ceres. All you have to do is learn the range of meanings of the additional points. Im sorry, but Im getting a bit apprehensive. My husband is Gemini (born 25/5/1967), so is my Mum and son I have Saturn in Gemini. Cupido - Asteroid Astrology - Lindaland You would fall in love with homes you want to buy or renovate, and also have the ability to charm others with your residence. Think of him as your muscle in the horoscope. HEPHAISTOS: Problems with the limbs (usually the legs;) lameness; crippling; parental abandonment (most often by the mother;) to be an issue of contention between the parents; tendency for an unlikely match in relationship (ie., variations on The Beauty and the Beast! In mythology, Venus coupled up with her son, her husband and her lover at various times. PREDICTION WITH ASTEROIDS AND DWARF PLANETS HOW THE BREXIT FORECAST WAS MADE, Astrology called Brexit, against the odds, because on the day of the vote, as I wrote on this website, You cant ignore Uranus conjunct Ceres! Psyche shows, by sign and house. Hello! Any tups on how to balance this out? According to astrology, the planets in our Solar System form the different parts of our unique personalities. It means having to recap.everything all over again, but I am perserving and determined to get an outcome whatever it I can be happy again. Obama will come back. Sal Vulcano was born November 5, 1976. As told by the Roman poet Ovid, Nyctimene was a princess of Lesbos who was seduced by her father . Their meanings often parallel the exact wording you or a client uses to think of and describe experience. I think the Venus family drama is so cool once one thinks about it and how it all relates. Have you seen the sculpture of Cupid and Psyche in The Louvre? Ive also got a stellium in Sagittarius and Libra. back to Astrology Asteroid 29227 Wegener Asteroid 8752 Flammeus Asteroid 1021 Flammario Asteroid 4464 Vulcano Asteroid 3226 Plinius . The degree of your Spirit asteroid placement is your soul's astrological age. You are not alone. Also consider subscribing to the Research Access section of the website where you would be able to quickly look up aspect combinations between planets, asteroids and the 8 transneptunians. William Herschel, the astronomer responsible for spotting Uranus, first coined the term 'asteroid', meaning 'star-like.'. This is where you pursue duets or double-acts. It fits astrology into the world. Vulcano is asteroid #4464, also known as 1966 TE, and a member of the Hungaria-family within the Hungaria-group in the Inner Asteroid Main Belt. It will take you into 2019. Then it becomes a source of power. I am wondering if you can look into my chart and help me understand what this means for me. so many precious info!! I know I have some square Saturn stuff. You are also not showing up as a Premium Member for some reason, which you may want to check. There are millions of asteroids of course; some are named after Monty Python . Asteroid 4464Vulcano (Vulcan) was discovered in 1966, the year that England won the World Cup. What works very well is understanding Mars and Vulcano in your horoscope by looking at art. Archetypes, symbols, projections, memes, ideas call them what you like they come to us from mythology and art. After she survived all the tests and trials set her by Venus, Psyche was blessed with immortality. Ive always admired her, but I know shes not a big fan of mine. Can you please tell me what the current astrological placements around my natal Psyche mean (if anything)? Vulcan - Astrology Encyclopedia. She was vain and jealous in myth, and its true that Venus by sign and house in your chart shows where vanity and envy surface. Complicated family relationships, either through your own clan, or via a partners (in-laws). Sit with paintings of Diana, in particular, on Google Images on your desk top and see what comes. Most of these objects sit on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and range from 6 . Oscar Wilde was jailed for his sexual preferences. Thanks for another interesting article. ASTEROID CHARTS: For a printed and/or email copy of your chart in 360 and 90 dial format please send an email, An easy way to find asteroid positions or print an ephemeris for several asteroids is to go to Jon Dunn's site. In fact you will always have to take this more seriously than other people do. Mars was in Virgo. You rejected that/him/her/them. He granted her wish and she became the goddess of the hunt, armed with a bow and arrow, and a greyhound by her side. I have Vulcano (2 Gemini)! It also shows why these qualities, traits and assets will immortalise you. By sign and house, Psyche will show what makes you attractive to the world. You might want to check with Support as no photographs were used in this story they are all Wikimedia Commons/Pinterest images of paintings through Creative Commons. You have a huge stellium in Virgo. Then in 2006 she was reclassified again, to dwarf planet along with Pluto himself. Vulcan can even take this individual by way of a lack of energy and authority. Cupido dominated his chart. Then on either side of 15, I have Panacea at 14 Libra, Saturn 14 Gemini (my Saturn people my mum, husband & son), North Node Capricorn at 16 & South Node 16 Cancer. Always grateful. Vulcan rules that process which ~breaks the chains~ to form.. KASSANDRA: Wasted breath! Thank you very much in advance! You are actually approaching your Nodal Return as the North Node slowly prepares to travel all the way to 0, 1 Cancer and this journey begins at the end of 2018. The family of Venus is very interesting as it was progressively added to in stages, until by 1966 we had her husband, Vulcan, to use in the horoscope. You should not apologise for asking about asking a long question it is not long at all this is your body and it is part of your whole being, so your mind and soul as well. She fell in love with Cupid and enraged Venus. What is this side of you, telling you, about your own self? long lashes, pretty and sparkly eyes. Cupido in Sagittarius in your Ninth House describes the way you fall in love with foreign countries and possibly foreign people, but also how you inspire love in others, for the same. I am happy to take a look. Uranus is rejection of the rejection or repeal of the repeal if you like. You have a lifelong pattern of becoming deeply involved in websites, books, blogs, debating teams, plays, films, television, courses, seminars, workshops and other outlets for your way with words, ideas and images that also involve complicated relationships. You are solely responsible for what you post. Mars was aggressive. For both of you. Vulcano in Sagittarius in the Ninth House is your self-control, power, self-discipline and strength with foreign people and places, academia and education, publishing and the worldwide web. Venus in Gemini in your Third House is the major player here. Carl Jung who made the word Psyche part of our culture today, had an exact square from Saturn to Psyche in his birth chart. Jessica this is crazy it doesnt seem coincide but quite timely for today and litmus test on the entire Trump administration. Secrets, hidden things . ;))) Hi Jessica, i would appreciate your feedback on a couple of health problems I have at the moment. Anger and passion are concealed, far below the surface. Asteroid 4464 Vulcano (1966 TE) Record: 4464 SPK-ID: 2004464. Thanks again and again, Hi Jessica, thank you for another brilliant article, I have Vulcan, cupido and Bacchus in Sagittarius could you explain this line up please. KALYPSO: That which is concealed or hidden. SPHINX: Unsolved Mysteries! Enigma, paradox, questions, missing information, lack of answers and understanding (about points in axis or aspect.) The bank needs you, but you need the bank. How astonishing that neither of you married but 27 years later you are still in love. She had an extremely close relationship with her son. The asteroid 4464 Vulcano. Sappho is an Eros who knows his fine arts. Why not? And it does take working with and studying actual charts. In any form of an honest opinion, what do you see for U2 singer Bono? We find desire here, right or wrong, between you and another. Psyche describes your very particular tests and trials in life yet you will always be helped by fate or other people, just as Psyche was divinely assisted in the myth. Just be aware. Suddenly you will see your horoscope in perfect pyramids or symmetrical squares and watch it come alive in a new way. Asteroid 4464 Vulcano (Vulcan) was discovered in 1966, the year that England won the World Cup. I note that you are in Australia. This can indicate something you might have been trying to hold onto that needed to go. Thanks so much for all your insight. at 29 Pisces 47 and Pluto at 29 Cancer 10. HOPI: Native American peoples, culture, memories and behavioral inclinations; indigenous peoples; minority groups; contact with knives/cutting, corn?based foods, feathers, snakes and ambushes (inc. of the psychological variety); territorial claims and disputes; attack or ambush perceptions; deep-seated defense (of points in axis or aspect. Essentially this is the chart of someone who can use her way with words/his way with words (I do not know if you are male or female) to explore your national identity, roots, culture, heritage and history. (Vulcano) 4464 First recorded observation October 11 1966 Cupid (Cupido) 763 First recorded observation September 25 1913 Psyche 16 First . And Obama is coming back. You have to figure out a way to make it work. For example, the opposition would be the most noticeable and strongest in my own view. A butterfly transformation for sure! Lord. Does it pan out in personal charts? 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